Tuesday, November 17, 2015


On November 5th, I traveled down to Killington to present at Vermontfest. This is an annual
technology integration conference that is highly attended by Vermont educators. I presented on the implementation of PLPs at PAML looking at how a whole school developed and implemented a school wide plan, but spent alot of time focusing on how we are implementing them at the 7th grade level and my work with PLP Pathways.

The presentation can be found here.

There were over forty people that attended the presentation and I received great feedback. People were very interested in what we are doing here and were very impressed with what we are doing with grades 5-8. There was a teacher from South Burlington who was there who wants to hear more about what we are doing and is going to his PLP committee to see what questions they have and will partner with the PLP Pathways for support.

Audrey Homan was there from Tarrant and she recorded audio from the presentation and is thinking about putting together a podcast for Tarrant. She is also interested in interviewing some of our students on her radio show to get their perspective about PLPs in the 7th grade. This seems like a neat opportunity for our students. Audrey also sent me a thoughtful thank you card for sharing my thoughts about PLPs with teachers just starting to think about how they are going to make them happen in their classrooms.

I also have a video of part of the presentation that John Downes took that I will upload after.

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