Domain 3: Instruction Component 3d: Using Assessment in Instruction
Specific goal: Over the summer we started working on proficiency based learning and assessment. My goal for this year is to integrate the implementation of learning scales into my humanities classroom for three of my units of study. I would like to use learning scales as a way to monitor student learning and to give feedback to students. I would also like the learning scale to allow students to self assess and monitor their progress within a unit of study.
Strategies for working toward achieving the goal:
- Work with Jordy to collaboratively build three learning scales for units of study over the course of the year.
- Have students use evidence of their learning to reflect on the learning scale in their blog.
- Design mini-lessons that specifically address elements of the learning scale for students to work on.
- Use power school to track comments given to students while conferencing with their about their learning scale on specific units of study.
- Talk with other humanities teachers vertically about the learning scales that they are creating and using in their instruction.
Evidence which will be used to assess goal attainment:
- The three learning scales that I will create.
- Evidence of students blogging about the learning scale and annotating their work as evidence of learning and growth.

Specific goal: 4d. Participating in Professional Community 4e. Growing and Developing Professionally
Last year I was approached by Susan Hennessey of Tarrant Institute and Don Taylor, teacher at Main Street Middle School, looking into doing a monthly google hangout about PLP implementation in the 7th grade in the middle school. I instantly jumped on this opportunity and found that it was one of the most enriching professional development opportunities that I have taken over my time as a teacher. This Don and I are partner with the Middle Grades Collaborative to bring our PLP google hangouts to a broader audience. My goal for this year is to participated in a larger professional community through partnering with Don Taylor to build a professional development platform for teachers around the state to implement PLPs in their classroom. I think that this goal will push me to think more about how I am implementing PLPs in my classroom but also help to create a professional learning community that is across the state.
Strategies for working toward achieving the goal:
- Partner with Don Taylor to build a PLP Pathways site that will hold resources for educators about Act 77 and PLPs in the middle level.
- Host monthly PLP Pathways google hangouts with Don Taylor for other educators around the state.
- Write a scrips and record a webisode resource for teachers every month offering resources and examples of PLP implementation.
- Write blog posts for the PLP Pathways website
- Use twitter to connect with other educators to share resources about PLPs
- Present at conferences about PLPs at PAML
Evidence which will be used to assess goal attainment:
- Recordings of the monthly google hangouts.
- Blog Posts about the PLP Pathways
- Conference attendance certificates
- Recordings of the Monthly Webisodes
- Links to the PLP Pathways website with pages I have contributed to